Why did you want to compete for Miss High Lifter?
I chose to compete for Miss High Lifter in hopes to have the opportunity to reach out to my generation and those to follow with my passion for them to continue the legacy of High Lifter’s vision of dominating the powersport industry. I also owe a huge hug to my mother, Courtney. She always encourages me to make a difference, without her I wouldn’t be here living this wonder journey.
What has been the best part of becoming Miss High Lifter so far? – or maybe what was the best part of the Miss High Lifter competition?
Soon after I was announced as the winner the women on stage began surrounding me as they were placing the crown on my head. These women without hesitation gave an overwhelming amount of support because they want females to excel and be an advocate in the sport that was once dominated by men.

What is your favorite off-road riding story?
During one of the Mud National events that was held in Texas, we were riding toward what’s was known as the sandpit. As we approached, we noticed a wheel/tire pass our side by side and immediate made the statement, “I wonder what goofball hasn’t realized that they are missing that.” Well, soon after that, it was brought to our attention we were the ones… True story, our driver side rear wheel/tire had left us behind!
What kind of unit do you ride?
I’m currently driving a 2018 RZR 1000 XP 4 High Lifter Edition, that has a 10’’ Suspension Lift Kit from High Lifter sitting on 44’’ tires mounted on 24’’ wheels along with 8’’ portals. Yes, this girl is riding high and making the mud holes deep!!
Do you prefer to ride or drive? Why?
Absolutely prefer to be behind the wheel. I’m one of those that loves to hear people on the trail say, “don’t go in that mud hole it’s deep.” I’m known for saying lookout, I’ve got this, I’m fixing to send it…

What and where is your favorite park to ride? Why is that your favorite?
To callout one park over another isn’t fair, to me. They all will have that one memorable mud hole story that we will tell for years to come. If my mud family is out there tearing up the trail with me every park will be my favorite!!
Who is your favorite person to ride with?
I don’t have just one person, I like to ride with my entire mud family. We may not be related by blood, but we are all related by mud. This is a quote that my mother said during the loss of one of our mud riding crewmembers. This saying will forever go with me as we continue the legacy of mud riding.
What is your favorite hobby other than riding?
I enjoy spending time at the lake, deer, and duck hunting along with target shooting.
Do you have any pets?
I have two dogs that are more like kids than animals. Koda, is a mix of German Shepperd and Catahoula and Remmi, is Lab.
Who is someone you look up to? Why?
Both of my parents. Each have raised me to be the lady I am today. My mother has always been a wonderful influence of me being educated and my father always helps me deal with life’s troubles. Both are my rock, my soul, and I will forever be so grateful for the lessons they have taught me.
What do you do for work?
After graduating from Henderson State University with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with an emphasis in Psychology, I have decided to follow the path of becoming a Registered Nurse. I currently attend Arkansas State University Three Rivers to get my degree in nursing!
How would your friends describe you?
Easygoing, full of energy, and someone that’s always looking for an adventure.
What is your favorite quote or motto? Why?
My favorite quote is, “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” In fact, I have this quote as a tattoo as a constant reminder to myself that easy situations can never improve me or make me better. The harsh conditions of life make a person tougher and more capable. Challenging experiences often give the best life lessons.
How did you get into the off-road industry?
As a kid, my parents purchased various off-road vehicles. From the days of my first battery operated Barbie Jeep to my present mud wagon, the credits go to my parents.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Why?
If I could go anywhere in the world, it would have to be Bora Bora. I have always wanted to stay in the huts they have in the middle of the ocean. I have never traveled outside of the United States let alone fly in an airplane, so traveling to some of the prettiest waters would be a dream come true.